Travmarket Media

We All Make Mistakes And Are Approachable

For those of you who listened to last week’s episode, you heard Mike stumble as his memory failed him while remembering his famous 12 Word Marketing Plan.

Get up, get out, and make more people glad they know you. (12 words) A listener soon called in, and had fun with Mike kibitzing over his memory loss. The message was clear, however. We are all in this thing together, and we all are prone to making  mistakes now and then. Do not hesitate for a moment to contact people. They are no different than you and me. And they are all approachable. (Get out there.)

The second message today reminded us of the huge opportunity we have when answering the phone or making initial impressions. According to Mike, the competition is very poor at this, and the opportunity for you to shine is enormous.

 I think you’ll enjoy today’s episode.

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