Travmarket Media

Responsible Travel – Be A Good Guest with Matthew Wahlgren!

“Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle

This quote would be even better if it said, "Leave the place better than you found it." We all travel for a purpose. Let's all travel WITH PURPOSE!

On this episode we explore VERY EASY things you can do to help local peoples without changing the pace or purpose of your trip.

Topics include:
Get authentic local experience through responsible accomodations
Reducing or Offsetting your carbon footprint while transporting to your destination
Interacting with local wildlife responsibly
Voluntourism opitons (Habitat For Humanity and Peace Corps)
How to interact with children
Easy ways to take make an impact on vacation
Organizations we like to bring medical and school supplies into countries in need (Not Just Tourists, Pack For a Purpose and Sandals Foundation)

Special Guest: Matthew Wahlgren.


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