Travmarket Media

Nashville: Music Venue Insider Tips

Nashville, Music City Insider Tips!

As Director of the Contemporary Music Center in Nashiville, Warren Pettit, knows musicians and venues inside and out. More importantly, he has low tolerance for mediocrity of the same. If you are lucky enough to be selected, for one of just 30 places each college semester, beware! He will ruin your tolerance for sub-par music and lack-luster venues. More over, he will push you to develop your craft so that too you can contribute gloriously to the marvel that is "Music City". Described as an "Edutainer" his students love him and so will you.

This is why Warren Pettit is the perfect guest to talk "Insider Nashville".

Warren's critical ear and eye for musical craftsmanship, sound production and savvy business skills uniquely suit him for his roll as Director at the Contemporary Music Center. Surrounding himself with staff comprised of industry pros of the same standard, that love young persons, allows the program to thrive – even distance learning through Covid-19. It should be noted that while the staff of the CMC work to pull excellence out of each student, and the standards are high, Warren and the staff are beloved by the students.

I proposed Warren tell listeners his top 3- 10 venues for enjoying music in Nashville. His answers were some of the things I would expect, and that populate easily in a google search for the BIG VENUES. And that's great – it confirms their excellence.

"If you swing a cat you are going to hit a venue that has live music…"

Of more interest to me were Warren's "B List" level venues. These are the smaller venues with impeccable players and intimate settings. Rumor has it there are apple pies served at one of them too! Most notably listed are the venues of 3rd and Lindsley and the Blue Bird Cafe.

"…If you are a tourist… Here's the good news. Everyone is in the industry and after work – nobody goes to shows…"

His last suggestion painted such a visual and audible picture for me I had to google it. Simply, walk mid-day, down South Broadstreet. Warren has promised a musical experience of epic proportions that will proverbially "blow your mind". He estimates that there are around 68 Honky Tonk bars full of session players, road musicians and the likes just cranking out music all the live long day through the early hours of the night. Keep in mind, this experience cost you nothing. So, purposely walk up to one of the bands tip jar and bless them with a few "thank you" bucks.

Lastly, I pressed Warren for a favorite dining venue to. I had not prepped him for this question but I was super pleased with his answer! Check out a hidden venue underneath the Johnny Cash Museum. Getting there and admitted through the secret door is just the first of the illusions you'll experience at House of Cards. Your excellent meal with be followed by a magic performance on their private stage, Carter the Great showroom. Then guests are invited to wander the venue and interact with close up magic and illusionists on a more intimate level. Hold onto your hats – things start to disappear left and right!

Concluding the show Warren welcomes listeners to visit his city but please stay a tourist! He jokes about the increase of traffic in the last 20 years. Enjoy Nashville and then go home! As with all music venues closing, and this article/podcast too – You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!

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Blessings to you!

Megan Chapa
Host Travel Radio Podcast

Special Guest: Warren Pettit.


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