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Love Paris Travel Dare!

Paris Dare… We Dare YOU Not To Love This City!

Consider this your guide to LOVING PARIS! I hope this episode will keep you #traveldreaming!

The level of immersion into French culture, cuisine, music, fashion and history packed into this itinerary will blow your mind. You will need to take pictures to recall everything packed into this trip. Oh, what is that? You don't take excellent photos? That is OK – if you book soon you will get a private photography session on site, IN PARIS! Capture your experience just in time to create enviable Christmas cards for 2021! The second bonus is FREE introductory French lessons!

“He who contemplates the depths of Paris is seized with vertigo.
Nothing is more fantastic. Nothing is more tragic.
Nothing is more sublime.” Victor Hugo

Maximum of 12 participants
Accomodation, private tours, dining and private car hires included, contact Therese for details
7 days
August 1 – 8, 2020

Click Here For Purchase Options

DAY 1 | The Adventure Begins!

We start the first day after you have finished your breakfast in the hotel by meeting in Jardin des Tuileries at the footsteps of the Louvre. At the Louvre we will enjoy a private tour and featuring masterpieces such as Mona Lisa, Liberty Leading the People and Venus de Milo.

From here we will enjoy a nice stroll in a magnificent oasis, tucked away from the street. Play or take pictures by the striped pillars, relax near one of the fountains or simply enjoy a friendly game of pétanque with some locals near the beautiful alley of trees.

We will stay here to enjoy the quiet of the area and eat our first haute cuisine lunch. After lunch we will continue discovering this area as Therese shares some of the most beautiful and oldest street passages and galleries in Paris.

FREE TIME! From here you can go your own way to indulge in a little shopping or to take time to enjoy a few of the private art galleries and different boutiques in the area. You might just head back to Jardin des Tuileries for a little nap in the summer breeze.

A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life. – Thomas Jefferson

Day 2: A Day For Decadence

Where better to start than 31 rue Cambo?. It was here that Coco Chanel invented the concept of the modern boutique! Today you will sip on champagne as you browse the store and walk up the famous mirrored stairway. Before leaving we will visit her apartment. Although she didn’t actually live here, this is where she received all of her important guests.

After lunch we will go to Galeries Lafayette (in 1893 this store was 70 sq mt and today is 70,000 sq mt of absolute luxury and splendor. ) Immediately after we will cross the street and head over to Printemps, originally opened in 1865. We will start by heading to the rooftop for a cool glass of champagne with a 360° view of Paris! We can then continue our shopping in this equally beautiful Haussmann store which is said to have the largest beauty department in the world!

For those not interested in shopping you will be able to chose between different activities such as cooking lesson and wine tasting or Graffiti Workshop that ends with creating your own masterpiece on a designated wall in the city.

“The shopping, the food, the views! Paris is a city that entrances us all—and I’m no exception.” Michael Kors

Day 3: Artists, Sacred Sites and Cabaret

Montmartre is a truly special neighbourhood and you are going to fully experience it today.

From The Wall of Love, we will walk past the Bateau Lavoir in the footsteps of Picasso and see his first studio in Paris. Strolling through Place du Tertre, with all it’s artists set up around the square painting caricatures and portraits.

We will stop at the oldest building in Montmartre which was also home to Renoir and where he painted some of his masterpieces such as Bal du Moulin de la Galette and The Swing. The Renoir Gardens offer breathtaking views of the vineyard, the Clos Montmartre, and northern cityscape of Paris.

We will then visit Sacré Coeur and feel the magic that surrounds this incredible church.

We will enjoy everything this neighbourhood has to offer from the incredible cheese shops, fish vendors and even walk past Moulin Rouge before dinner and then we will end our day at Paris’ oldest Cabaret and one that is still enjoyed by locals. This is not just a show that you will enjoy viewing but one which will also have you singing and dancing along with everyone else.

“Paris is always a good idea.” – Audrey Hepburn

Day 4: Pantheon to Passion Relics ( Including Notre Dame)

We will meet at the Panthéon. After visiting this historical monument, we will enjoy lunch in the Quartier Latin. Weather permitting we will picnic in Jardin Luxembourg with fresh cheeses, local treats from the area and of course a fine wine or a local craft lemonade. In the gardens you will find mini sailboat races in one of the fountains, the Statue of Liberty as well as a few Rodin sculptures.

From here we will stroll through some of the oldest and most incredible book stores, visit with the Bouquinistes along the Seine before crossing over the bridge to Ile de la Cité.

We will see Notre Dame in a way that has never before been seen. Hopefully, we will never see her in this state of disrepair again.

Tonight we have VIP seats to a concert held in the Saint Chapelle. This royal chapel was built by King Louis IX to house his collection of Passion relics, including Christ's Crown of Thorns. Within the most extensive 13th-century stained glass collections anywhere in the world, the acoustics during our concert will be beyond compare!

Day 5: Four Buck-list Destinations

Today we will go up the Arc de Triomphe. This monument is at the centre of possibly the craziest roundabouts in all of Europe. We will go up to the top for a spectacular view of Les Champs Elysées and to watch the 8 lanes of traffic circling us from below.

From here we will stroll Les Champs Elysées, Place de la Concorde and have lunch at Dame de Pic. This is one of many restaurants belonging to Anne Sophie Pic. She is the fourth woman to ever receive 3 Michelin stars. Michelin stars is something well known in her family as her father also had 3 stars and her grandfather received 3 stars in 1934.

Then it’s time to discover the mythical sites and secret spaces of the Palais Garnier: the Bassin de la Pythie, the Grand Stairway and the Foyer de la Danse.

This is the setting and inspiration of The Phantom of the Opera and we have a private tour of the building and backstage.

We will regroup for dinner at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and once the sun has set we will set off for a cruise on the Seine and you will see for yourself why this spectacular city is called The City of Lights.

_“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” – Ernest Hemingway

Day 6: Secret Gardens, Sipping, and Succulent Feasts

The fashionable Marais district is where we will be exploring today. Here we will visit a few different secret gardens. The Place des Vosges is the oldest planned square in Paris. The surrounding buildings, house shops, galleries, restaurants and, most notably, the Maison de Victor Hugo, where the author lived and wrote for many years. We will visit the small museum to see mementos from Hugo’s childhood as well as the rooms where he wrote Les Miserables.

Not far from here is the Jardin Anne Frank, where a sapling of the chestnut tree she always spoke about was planted in 2009.

To get us ready for dinner, we have a private room in Louis XVs cellars with our very own sommelier. In this stunning private room we will learn about wine, while sampling a selection of delicious wines (and food). Can you think of a better apéritif?

Keeping the theme of privacy, we will end the day in our own private restaurant. With its open kitchen, we will be able to see the chef create, possibly learn a few tips and definitely some cooking inspiration.

Day 7: Eiffel Tower, Art and Food Finale!

Today we will meet and eat at the Eiffel Tower.

We saved the best for last as we will be treated to chef Frédéric Anton, awarded Meilleur Ouvrier de France, he has said he has just one wish: to run a luxurious Jules Verne with an expert hand offering an unbeatable gastronomic experience and so fill the heart of the mythical Iron Lady.

After taking in the sites from the top of the tower, we will immerse ourselves in art at Atelier Lumière.

This is an art experience you will never forget. Rather than standing in front of a framed masterpiece, here, the art comes to life and you are literally immersed in it as it is projected on the walls around you, the floor and the ceiling.

Food Finale: Bois de Boulogne, a former hunting ground for the Kings of France. For dinner we will take a boat ride across the lake to a tiny island with a delightful restaurant ending the trip in true Parisian style.

Join Therese… and maybe Megan too! Click Here For Deposit Options.

Cost For Two People Traveling Together:

The cost per couple (shared room and car) €7500

Pay in full €7500 or €500 deposit and 3 payments of €2500

Cost For A Solo Traveler Not Sharing Accomodation or Transportation:

The cost is €6000 per person

Pay in full €6000 or €500 deposit and 3 payments of €2000


"Capture your trip with a private photo shoot throughout Paris."

Purchase by May 5, gets a **free customized french lesson with Therese* to prepare you for the full French experience.

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Blessings to you!

Megan Chapa
Host Travel Radio Podcast

Special Guest: Therese Lafleche.


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