Travmarket Media

Keep Your Emails Short & Sweet.

Today I will be sharing two suggestions brought to light this week. One deals with better communication while the other focuses on the mental aspect of your business.

INC Magazine reported in an article this week that the response rate for shorter emails is nearly double that of longer worded emails. This makes sense since therre is so much “noise” out there today, people are quick to hit the delte button. Less is more. Shorter is better.

The second example comes from the Colorado Buffalo’s newly reenergized football team. They are bouncing back from ten years of losing to a current record of 3-0. Much of the credit here goes with the fact that they now “believe” in themselves. Belief worked for the NT Mets back in 1973 and it is working for the Buffs in 2023. 

And, I might add, it will work for you once you start believing in your value and contribution to your personal marketplace.

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