Travmarket Media

First Impressions Are “First Impressions”

Today’s episode of Mike’d Up Marchev will sound a bit muffled due to my immediate environment. I’m sitting outside of Macy’s Department Store watching people pass me by. What I see is myriad of colors, clothing styles, hairdos, (some more colorful than others) sports team paraphernalia, sunglass of all shapes and sizes along with 1000 other clues of one’s true personality. I find myself both smiling and scratching my head in amusement and wonderment. “What are some of these people thinking?”

Today’s message is intended to remind you that your prospects will be making snap judgments based on their initial visual impression of you. The first visual sighting will largely determine if there will be a second viewing. 

And before this episode comes to a close, Mike will remind you of the importance of maintaining a positive demeanor right up until the “last impression.”

First impressions are important no doubt, but it is the last impression that they will remember you by.

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