Travmarket Media

Disney Holiday Insights, Mickey Turns 90, Walt Disney’s Birthday and Star Wars in coming to Disney 2019!

It all started with a mouse…or was it a rabbit!?

Jeff Barnes teaches the only accredited college course on Walt Disney and is a fantastic resource for travelers headed to the parks!

Show Topics:

Who was Walt Disney's favorite President and why is he signicant to Thanksgiving?

Why is Jeff wiritng about the 12 books of Christmas on his blog?

Plan ahead to make the most of your Disney trip. Seriosuly, plan now or fail on arrivall! Megan recommends contacting Lisa Hill for a travel planner.

Star Wars Galaxy Edge will be opening in 2019. Jeff talks opening date predictions and estimated attendance. Do you know what Disneyland's capacity is? Estimated opening attendance is more than double!

What is keeping Jeff busy in 2019? Why would you want to have him speak at your conference? See Jeff in actions on his website: (

Special Guest: Dr. Jeff Barnes A.K.A. Dr. Disneyland.


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