Travmarket Media

An Episode For Easter Oberammergau Passion Play 2022

(This is a Monday Replay)

It is ironic that a play started as means to prevent the plague from ravaging their small town in Bavaria has been halted by one.  However, this Passion Play is not canceled it is only postponed!  You can still make it to the Oberammergau Passion Play of 2022.

A unique aspect of this play is the casting practice and qualifications to perform in the play.  Only villagers of Oberammergau may participate.  Of the 5k+ village nearly half of them from children to seniors participate. It is a ten year reunion no one misses!  

On this podcast I interview Frederik Mayet, one of two actors that, portrays Jesus Christ in this Passion Play.  Enjoy his insight, humble good humor and love for his village and craft.

Blessings to you this Easter!

~ Megan Chapa

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